We serve as trusted business advisors for our clients. Our insights and perspectives are built through twenty-plus years of battle-tested experience.
From time to time we will share our real-life experience and insight here with you. Click the headline links to view a print-ready PDF.

So, You’d Like to Keep Your Business in the Family
Ninety percent of businesses in the United States are family controlled and many owners have a desire to keep it that way. If you’re exploring the prospects of passing your business to a daughter or son, do so with eyes open. Interviews with successors in small to midsize businesses revealed insights for how an owner might tip odds for success in their favor. What do successors feel worked? What advice would they give to a business owner and parent wanting to effectively transition their business to the next generation?

COO, or no COO—What’s Right For You?
Providing needed leadership to business operations is critical to success. Dividing responsibilities among the executive team is one option, but is it the right one for your organization? Consider five key questions that will help you determine whether a COO is right for you.

Perspectives From the Top
How do CEOs lead? What do they look for in their teams? What tools or support do they need to lead more effectively? Whether you are yourself a CEO, or work closely with one, the perspectives below may provide insights that unlock organizational performance, improve strategic execution, or merely provide a better understanding of the “resident in chief” of the C-Suite.

Preparing for a Recovering Economy
Indicators point to a situation where availability of skilled managers and executives to fill senior level corporate positions is diminishing at exactly the time it is needed most. Accessing these critically needed resources will be no easy task.

Setting a Course for Growth – When, How Much, How Fast
Setting a course for growth can be difficult and business success requires understanding, commitment and support of a diverse constituency of stakeholders and the organization as a whole. Utilizing an objective framework to guide analysis, build consensus, and facilitate communication can ensure you make the right call specific to when, how much, and how fast to grow and help you and your team achieve success.

Setting a Course Through an Economic Storm
Piloting a business through calm seas can be challenging enough. But when skies darken, winds howl, and the full fury of the storm engulfs your business there is need for leadership to step up, calm fears, set the tone, and show the way. Follow this comprehensive checklist to get you started.

Contact us today to schedule an initial free consultation. We’ll develop a solution and pricing proposal customized to your specific business needs.
E.A. Lopit & Associates
Ed Lopit, Principal
(425) 478-0708